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$500 Photo Review Contest Official Rules

Entry Period

Custom Numbered's 2024 Photo Review Contest (the “Contest”) begins on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at 12 a.m. (midnight) Eastern Time (EST), and ends on Tuesday, December 31, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. ET (the “Contest Entry Period”). Entry into this Contest constitutes your acceptance of these Official Rules.


Custom Numbered LLC, 2807 Pleasant Hill Rd, Sebastopol, California, 95472

Who May Enter

Custom Numbered's 2024 Photo Review Contest is open to all legal residents of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia who are 13 years of age or older as of the date of Submission. Participants between the ages of 13 and 17 years old must have their parent/legal guardian’s permission to enter, who must complete the participant’s registration on behalf of the child whether using the Online or Mail method of entry as detailed herein. Employees of Custom Numbered LLC, its officers and their immediate families (parents, children, siblings and spouses, regardless of where they reside) or those living in the same household (whether or not related) are not eligible to participate.

Eligible Photographs

To be eligible to win a prize, all submitted Photographs must depict a person wearing a Custom Numbered product and accurately reflect the subject matter as it appeared in the viewfinder (a “Photograph”). AI-generated images are not eligible. Normal processing of the original file is acceptable.

How to Enter

There are two ways to enter the Contest. However, you may submit Photographs by one method only. If you submit Photographs both online and by mail, only the Submission received by Custom Numbered first will be eligible to be judged. You may, however, submit multiple Photographs over the Contest Entry Period as long as the Submissions are sent by the same method.

1. Online: To enter online, you must: a) Visit or or click a review link in an e-mail from hi (@); b) Fill in the required personal information; parents/legal guardians of Youth Entrants must complete this step on behalf of their child and grant permission for the Youth to participate; c) Follow the instructions to leave a review and upload your Photograph Submissions.

Photographs submitted online MUST depict a person or persons with at least one of our products.  

2. Mail: To enter by mail, you must: a) Print a photo (5x7 minimum) that depicts a person or persons with at least one of our products; b) Write your contact information on a sheet of paper and include that in the parcel; parents/legal guardians of Youth entrants must complete this step on behalf of their child and grant permission for the Youth to participate c) Check that you have read and agree to the Official Rules; d) Mail the photo and contact information to: Custom Numbered Contests, 2807 Pleasant Hill Road, Sebastopol, California, 95472. Custom Numbered will acknowledge receipt of your Submission only if you provide a verifiable email address. Confirmation of receipt is not confirmation of eligibility. There is no fee to enter the Contest by mail. 

Photographs submitted by mail MUST meet the following requirements: a) Mail entries must be postmarked no later than December 31, 2024, and be received by Custom Numbered no later than January 6, 2025; b) Only prints may be submitted, and they must be at least 5 x 7 inches but no larger than 8 x 10 inches. Digital files of Photographs saved onto CDs, DVDs, or any other media will not be accepted by mail; c) Each Photograph must have the following information written on the back or otherwise attached: your first and last name, mailing address, and email address (optional). No Photographs received by mail will be returned. Once a Photograph is received by mail, you will not be able to retrieve, change, remove, or exchange the Submission.


Judging will be conducted by Mike Carozza, the owner operator of the Sponsor.  Prizes will be awarded as follows: a) One First Prize to the top ranked photo as judged by Mike; b) One Second Prize to the second ranked Photograph; c) Five Third Prizes to the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh ranked Photograph.

No entry may win more than one prize. The decisions of the Judge and the Sponsor will be final. Winners will be contacted and confirmed by U.S. mail, email, and/or telephone on or about January 15, 2025 and required to complete and return the Releases/Declaration as detailed in the Prizes section below.


There are nine Prizes available to be won:

1. First Prize: There is one (1) First Prize available to be won of $500.00 USD

2. Second Prize: There is one (1) Second Prize available to be won of Team Sleeves *Up to 15 Custom Sleeves in Your Team Color* (Value $315.00 USD)

3. Third Prizes: There are five (5) Third Prizes available to be won of One Free Custom Numbered Sleeve (Value $34.99)

Winners will be required to sign an Affidavit of Eligibility and Release of Liability and Publicity (together, the “Releases”), where permitted and return the Releases/Declaration, properly executed, to Custom Numbered within seven days of being notified. Releases will require the winner to furnish their Social Security Number for the sole purpose of tax reporting, as required by law. If a winner is otherwise eligible under these Official Rules, but is nevertheless deemed a minor in their state of primary residence, their prize will be awarded in the name of their parent or legal guardian who must execute the Releases/Declaration on the minor winner’s behalf. Sponsor may disqualify any winner who fails to respond to the prize notification or fails to return the Releases/Declaration within the seven-day period and, at Sponsor’s sole discretion, select an alternate winner. If any Prize or Prize notification is returned as undeliverable, a winner declines their Prize, or a winner fails to comply with any of these Official Rules, that winner will be disqualified and the entrant with the next-highest scoring Photograph may be deemed the potential winner for such Prize.

Winners are responsible for the payment of any taxes on Prizes.

Prizes will be awarded within 45 days of each winner being confirmed.

Prize Conditions 

All expenses related to the acceptance or use of any Prize is the sole responsibility of the Prize winner.

Prizes are not redeemable for cash, assignable, transferable and may not be substituted except at Sponsor’s sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a prize of equal or greater value at its discretion. Any other incidental expenses on Prize not specified herein are the sole responsibility of each winner. Once a Prize has been delivered to the winner’s residence, the Prize is considered awarded.

General Conditions

By submitting a Photograph to the Custom Numbered 2024 Photo Review contest, entrants and the parent/legal guardian of any Youth entrant agree to the following:

1. You represent and warrant that: a) You are the sole and exclusive author and owner of the Photograph and all rights therein; b) You have the full and exclusive right, power, and authority to submit the Photograph and to grant Custom Numbered the rights granted herein, including a worldwide copyright license, upon the terms and conditions set herein; c) No rights in the Photograph have been previously granted to any person, firm, corporation or other entity, or otherwise encumbered such that the prior grant would limit or interfere with the rights granted to the Sponsor herein; d) No part of the Photograph has been published by Custom Numbered on any portion of Custom Numbered's website ( (except Photos published by you on Custom Numbered's social media platforms may be submitted) and, e) No part of your Photograph defames or invades the privacy or publicity rights of any person, living or decreased, or otherwise infringes upon any third party’s copyright, trademark or other personal or property rights.

2. You acknowledge that: a) Sponsor has the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any Photograph at any time if they determine that the Photograph is offensive, inappropriate, or contrary to the Sponsor’s reputation, or that you or your Photograph have not complied with any of the Official Rules; b) Sponsor is not responsible for misdirected, incomplete, lost, late, undelivered, inaccurate, illegible, or delayed Submissions, for technical, hardware, or software failures of any kind, lost or unavailable network connections, or failed, incomplete, garbled or delayed computer transmissions, for human, mechanical, typographical, printing, electronic, or network errors, for errors which may occur in connection with the administration of the Contest, the processing of Submissions, the announcement of prizes, or any other errors, any of which may limit or affect your ability to participate in the Contest; c) Sponsor has the right to modify, suspend or cancel the Contest in the event that it becomes infected by a computer virus or is otherwise technically impaired, and to suspend the Contest, modify the Contest to address the impairment then resume the Contest in a manner that best conforms to the spirit of these Official Rules, and/or cancel the Contest in its entirety should tampering, unauthorized access, fraud, technical failures, acts of God, epidemics, or other causes corrupt the administration, security, fairness, or integrity of the Contest. If the Contest is suspended, Sponsor may select winners from the set of all non-suspect, eligible Submissions received up to the date of cancellation using the judging procedure outlined above; d) You may be disqualified from entering the Contest if it is determined by the Sponsor that you engaged in false or deceptive acts; e) Mass entries generated by script, macro or use of automated devices will be disqualified; f) By entering the Contest, you are not creating a confidential or fiduciary relationship with the Sponsor; g) Sponsor may itself create other artwork, receive Submissions from other Entrants for this Contest, or receive Photographs from third parties in connection with Sponsor’s customary business that are similar or identical to your Photograph in theme, idea, format or other respects. You waive any and all claims you may have now or may have in the future that your Photographs are substantially similar in theme, idea or format to any Photographs or other artwork in Sponsor’s possession; and, h) Sponsor and its designees have the right, unless prohibited under law, to use your name, city and state of residence, voice, picture and likeness, without compensation, notification or approval, for the purpose of advertising and publicizing the Sponsor’s goods and services and publicizing the Contest, in any manner or medium, now or hereafter known, worldwide and in perpetuity.

3. If any Photograph in your Submission contains any material or elements not owned by you, or which are subject to the rights of third parties, you are responsible, prior to submitting the Photograph, for obtaining any and all releases necessary to permit the use and exhibition of the Photograph in all the manners contemplated by these Official Rules, including, without limitation, permission to use the name and likeness of any person who appears or is identifiable in the Photograph. You may be required to provide proof of these permissions in a form acceptable to Custom Numbered, and if you fail to provide such proof within seven days of request by Custom Numbered, your Photograph will be disqualified.

4. You irrevocably grant to Custom Numbered a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual license to use the Photograph in any manner related to the Contest, including all associated use, reproduction, distribution, sublicense, derivative works, and commercial and non-commercial exploitation rights in any and all media now known or hereafter invented, including, but not limited to: a) Custom Numbered and all Custom Numbered websites; b) any advertisements, newsletters, articles and publications; c) solicitations for the Contest; d) promotions and communications; and e) physical and digital galleries and exhibitions of Submissions, including, but not limited to, exhibitions of Contest Submissions and/or Prize winners. You may be required to execute any documents necessary to perfect such rights in the Sponsor.

5. You hereby release Custom Numbered, its subsidiaries, affiliates and divisions, and its respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from any and all liability, loss or damage arising from or in connection with your participation or attempt to participate in the Contest, and/or the awarding, receipt, use or misuse of a Prize or participation in any Prize-related activities; from claims based on publicity rights, defamation or invasion of privacy; and from claims based on the infringement of or protection of the copyright in your Submission.
6. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Sponsor against any claims by any third party related to a breach of any of these General Conditions, including, but not limited to, a claim of ownership of any copyright, trademark, or any personal or property rights, libel, defamation, invasion of privacy or right of publicity, or your failure to pay taxes on any Prize.

7. The Sponsor and its subsidiaries, affiliates and divisions, and their respective directors, officers, employees, attorneys, representatives and agents make no warranties, and hereby disclaim all warranties, express or implied, concerning the Contest and any Prize furnished or awarded in connection with the Contest, including, but not limited to, Custom Numbered's ability to award a Prize due to its bankruptcy, insolvency or failure to continue its business. WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING, PRIZES ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND THE CONTEST ENTITIES HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND/OR NON INFRINGEMENT.

8. If your Photograph is determined by Custom Numbered in its sole discretion to be ineligible at any time during or after the Contest Entry Period, that Photograph will be removed from the judging. If your Photograph is found to have been ineligible after it was awarded a Prize, you agree to return the Prize or the value of such Prize to Custom Numbered immediately following notification of ineligibility. Failure to comply with these Official Rules may result in disqualification of an Entrant and all their Submissions from the Contest. No refunds for Submissions will be granted as a result of disqualification.


Personal information collected from online entries is subject to Custom Numbered's Privacy Policy, which can be found at; provided that, in the event of any conflict between these Official Rules and such Privacy Policy, the terms and conditions of these Official Rules prevail. As a condition of entering the Contest, each entrant gives consent for Sponsor to obtain and deliver his or her name, address and other information to third parties for the purpose of administering this Contest and to comply with applicable laws, regulations and rules, including, without limitation, the storing of your personal information for purposes of complying with state record retention requirements.

Winner Confirmation

Winners will be announced on or about January 15, 2025. You may obtain the name and city of residence of the winners by mailing a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Custom Numbered Photo Review Contest – Winners List, 2807 Pleasant Hill Road, Sebastopol, California 95472. Requests received after February 15, 2025 will not be honored.

This Contest is void where prohibited by law. Contest is governed by U.S. law and subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.